Sovereign Advisory
Governments, political ministries, state-owned companies, and sovereign wealth funds can play a critical role in controlling and responding to the unprecedented economic challenges that characterize the 21st century political and economic environment. We advise and consult with government and sovereign wealth funds around the world on optimizing the utilization of those funds to achieve the greatest common good. Although those funds represent public assets, we believe that those assets can be leveraged and multiplied when managed properly. To achieve that purpose, our advice might include devoting a percentage of a sovereign fund’s assets to finance private economic activity, to privatize stagnant state-owned companies, and to manage government liabilities in both the short- and long-term. We maintain offices in all major international financial centers and deliver advice that combines the best of local insights with the greater global perspective that guides success in the capital markets.
Sovereign wealth funds also look to us for access to foreign sources of capital. We deliver those connections under absolute conditions of privacy, discretion, and confidentiality. Our clients trust our advisors to create wealth management solutions that enhance the value of substantial pools of capital that are common to sovereign wealth funds without disrupting efficient market operations as that capital enters or exits those markets. Within this construct, our advisors have helped sovereign wealth funds and national institutions to create the infrastructures and to develop vital resources that raise up the economic prospects of all peoples and citizens that those funds are designed to serve.
Credit One Equity Holdings has worked with sovereign entities to develop and manage complex projects, including infrastructure and transportation systems, exploration and development of natural resources, and public utility networks, all with an overriding goal of serving the individuals that will benefit from those projects while tapping into the best and most innovative strategies for public project financing.

31 West 34th Street
7th Floor
New York City, NY 10001
+1 (877) 839-9986